Free Mobile and Desktop Productivity Apps

Here is my collection of useful apps for mobile phone and computers with a brief description on how the app can help you. Most of these are free apps.

Please like our FaceBook page for other tips and tricks to help you work smarter.

App NameTypeDescription
TrelloOrganiseRECOMMENDED: Organise your notes and to-dos/project manage. Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process.
One NoteOrganiseOrganise your notes and to-dos. Your stuff travels with you on your computers, tablets and phones. Get OneNote for any of your devices or use it on the web.
SlackOrganiseSlack brings all your communication together in one place. It's real-time messaging, archiving and search for modern teams.
SoonrOrganiseThe ultimate in File Sharing. Contact us for a free trial.
DoodleOrganiseThe scheduling tool you'll actually use. Find a date for a meeting 2x faster!
HootsuiteSocial MediaWith the ability to manage all your social networks and schedule messages for future publishing, Hootsuite gives you a wide scope of your social media activity.
KeepassSecurityFree, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager.
LastPassSecurityPassword Manager, Auto Form Filler, Random Password Generator & Secure Digital Wallet App.
HolaSecurityVPN/Proxy to access any website
MailBird - The best email programEmailIt is free for 3 accounts. Get all your email accounts in the one place. Beautiful design and amazing to use. This has to be the best email client software around.
Unroll MeEmailUnsubscribe from junk emails right off the bat. One click and they’re gone. Done.
Mail TrackEmailKnow Who Read Your Emails and When.
MailChimpEmailEasy to use drag and drop designer to create email campaigns that match your style.
CanvaDesignOnline design

I will add to this list, if you have apps you use and wish to share please comment below.

See our Getting things done Trello board for more tools and apps to help you work smarter.


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