Database Support Services
Wellington database consultant specialising in developing and supporting Microsoft Access databases and cloud-based databases systems. We can help you with your database needs and ongoing Microsoft Access database support.
We can provide you with:
- Database consulting and advice on database or CRM options
- Database installation and configuration
- Trouble-shooting a database installation
- Splitting a database for sharing on a network with other users
- Tracking down the locations of your database files
- Expanding or enhancing your existing database system
- Adding new fields, tables, forms and reports to an existing database
- Converting your Access database to a newer MS Access version
- Setting your database up under runtime and distributing it to others for free
- Performing regular preventative maintenance on your database to keep it in check and optimised
- Modifying your database to ensure it runs as quickly as possible and it maintains the integrity of your data
- Performing data cleansing of your data
- Migrating data from other systems (data conversion, including data importing and exporting)
- Database training
- Data modelling
- Database security configuration and management
- Database backup and disaster recovery planning and services